Palsgaard offers a wide selection of emulsifier and stabiliser systems designed specifically for UHT whipping cream applications with a fat content as low as 12% – as well as advanced know-how and testing equipment that lifts your chances of success in the marketplace.
Palsgaard offers a wide range of emulsifier and stabiliser blends for UHT whipping creams, all marketed under the name Palsgaard® CreamWhip. The series covers a range of products individually adapted to meet customer requirements for enhanced whipping properties in dairy and non-dairy whipping creams as well as acid-stability in vegan protein-free UHT whipping creams.
But that's not all. We also provide an expert application service at our dairy application centres on three continents to help you address product challenges or take advantage of new market opportunities.
Contact us today to order samples of Palsgaard® CreamWhip and try them in our extensive library of recipes.
Take advantage of our unique insights into consumer trends and specific local requirements, and choose Palsgaard for your next innovative project. Our experienced food technologists are experts at solving challenges within sedimentation control, emulsion stability, equipment limitations, or ingredient availability – and they are happy to share their know-how. With application centres in Denmark, Mexico, Singapore, China and Türkiye, help is never far away.
Watch how we can help you make the most of emulsifiers and stabilisers and read more here:
Stability versus whipping properties represents a key compromise for manufacturers of UHT whipping creams. If the emulsion of the whipping cream is too stable, this will affect the whipping properties negatively. And if the aim is only to achieve the best possible whipping properties, the stability of the cream will be lost. Palsgaard® CreamWhip offers a range of well-tested products that enable the perfect balance.
Years of dedicated work and development in the production of emulsifier/stabiliser solutions for UHT whipping creams have led to Palsgaard becoming one of the preferred suppliers for this application area. Whether you are searching for solutions for the production of UHT whipping creams based on vegetable or dairy fat, with a soft or a more firm foam, or if the goal is to make a UHT whipping cream entirely without proteins, Palsgaard® CreamWhip is the solution.
The combined efforts of our two latest additions to the series, emulsifier blend Palsgaard® CreamWhip 431 and stabiliser blend Palsgaard® CreamWhip 412 will allow you to create delicious non-dairy whipping creams with a fat content as low as 12%, offering you considerable cost-savings in addition to good storage stability, excellent whipping properties and longer shelf-life/stand-up time of the whipped cream.
Imitation or non-dairy whipping creams are becoming increasingly popular due to a number of benefits, such as reduced fat content, better cost-in-use calculations and better foam stability, which makes them easy to use and, therefore, attractive to bakers and caterers.
However, producing successful non-dairy whipping creams requires not only the right fats but the right combination of emulsifiers and stabilisers, too.
Here's why.