Palsgaards sustainability approach is driven by our vision, mission and values along with relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda outlines 17 SDGs to guide companies in advancing broader societal goals, emphasising collaboration and innovation. The goals are interconnected and address poverty, the environment and human rights.
Palsgaard has conducted a thorough analysis of each goal’s targets to identify those where we can make an authentic and worthwhile difference. During 2017, we strengthened our support for the agenda and many of the SDGs, which align with our long-standing tradition of responsibility.
Our emulsifiers support more efficient, more affordable and less wasteful production processes.
We believe emulsifiers have a positive role to play in fighting lifestyle diseases by improving the nutritional profile of food while avoiding undesirable ingredients.
A robust food quality and safety system means we provide safe food ingredients, ultimately protecting the health of consumers.
The health and well-being of our employees is also very important to us and is one of our heart working commitments.
Our Responsible Sourcing Programme requires that suppliers provide good working conditions for their workers. We have production sites all over the world, promoting local and inclusive work opportunities. Our raw materials are sourced from suppliers that align with principles supporting human rights and fair trade. We emphasise fair working conditions for plantation staff, and the well-being of individuals and communities affected by growers and mills. For example, the palm oil sourced for our Danish production site is RSPO SG-certified.
We responsibly handle, optimise and transparently report on carbon emissions, energy consumption, wastewater emissions and raw material consumption.
We support sustainable production and protect natural resources by being at the forefront of sustainable palm oil and palm oil-based ingredients sourcing – and in encouraging others to learn from our know-how.
We help to prolong the shelf-life and quality perceptions of consumer products, reducing food waste.
The production of emulsifiers and stabilisers is highly resource-intensive in terms of energy, water and raw materials. That's why we have a strategic focus on reducing our energy consumption and our CO2-emissions, and why we offer our full product range of palm-based food emulsifiers, polymer additives and personal care ingredients as RSPO SG or MB-certified.
To minimise our environmental impact, we have continuously implemented activities across all of our sites since 2005.
We do not tolerate bribery and corruption, providing anti-corruption guidelines to suppliers and selected employees. We remain transparent in our operations and reporting through memberships of the UNGC, GRI, Sedex and other institutions.