If a company wants to purchase MB certified raw materials to use in a product and finally sell the product with an MB claim, it must have RSPO SCCS certification. The certification requires an implemented and RSPO approved system for administration of the MB purchase and sales, which need to be validated by an independent third party. As an example, Palsgaard is audited annually by Bureau Veritas. If you have more than one production site, each individual site will need to be certified and audited. Palsgaard's production sites in Denmark and Malaysia are both RSPO SCCS Mass Balance certified.
If you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to contact us.
In order to obtain the MB certificate, you must handle relevant documents from your supplier to prove the MB purchase. As an MB supplier, Palsgaard has defined our relevant documents as:
The above documents include:
Because MB is an administrative system, the conventional product and the product covered by an MB certification are identical and the product specification for the „two“ products will contain exactly the same information. The RSPO SCCS does not mention any requirements on MB marking on the product specification or on the label.
The MB system is a way to ensure that a certain amount of CSPO is being used in the market. The MB RSPO-certified supply chain is supporting sustainable production of palm oil without identifying in which production the CSPO is used. By participating in the use of CSPO the companies demonstrate voluntary support of the biodiversity agenda.