Palsgaard offers a series of integrated emulsifier and stabiliser systems, tailored to meet the specific demands of moulded ice creams. Whether you are looking to increase the overrun, improve the heat-shock stability or reduce cost without affecting quality, we’ll help you take care of that, too.
A softer ice cream texture is desired for producing moulded ice cream, enabling the ice cream to flow smoothly into the mould or final packaging. This will be ensured by the right combination of emulsifiers and stabilisers, while still ensuring a creamy, slow-melting ice cream with good storage stability.
Our Palsgaard® MouldIce and Palsgaard® IceTriple series offer just that, whether you’re producing family packs, stick ice cream, cups and cones or soft scoop ice cream.
Contact us today to order samples of our emulsifiers and stabilisers for moulded ice cream and try them in our extensive library of recipe suggestions.
Take advantage of our unique insights into consumer trends and specific local requirements, and choose Palsgaard for your next innovative project. Our experienced food technologists are experts at solving challenges within recipe requirements, sensory requirements, emulsion stability, processing conditions or ingredient availability – and they are happy to share their know-how.
See how we'll help you make the most of Palsgaard's emulsifiers and stabilisers for ice cream here and learn more about our renowned application service here: