Looking for a way to remove expensive locust bean gum from your recipes and significantly reduce costs without affecting the quality of your ice creams and vegan desserts?
Read on to learn about the new addition to the Palsgaard® ExtruIce series and discover what Palsgaard® ExtruIce 306 can do for you.
Discover Palsgaard® ExtruIce 306, the emulsifier/stabiliser solution that offers the creaminess and mouthfeel that consumers love, and the cost-reductions ice cream or plant-based frozen dessert makers are looking for.
With our new integrated blend of emulsifiers and stabilisers, you can easily remove expensive locust bean gum from your recipes and significantly reduce costs without affecting the quality of your ice creams and vegan desserts.
And, with our global application teams ready to help convert your recipes, you can even shorten your product development time.
Contact us today to order samples of LBG-free Palsgaard® ExtruIce 306 and try them in our extensive library of recipes.
Take advantage of our unique insights into consumer trends and specific local requirements, and choose Palsgaard for your next innovative project. Our experienced food technologists are experts at solving challenges within recipe requirements, sensory requirements, emulsion stability, processing conditions or ingredient availability – and they are happy to share their know-how.
See how we'll help you make the most of Palsgaard's emulsifiers and stabilisers for ice cream here and learn more about our renowned application service here:
The costs of Locust Bean Gum and Tara Gum – common ingredients for mouthfeel and stability in ice cream – are out of control. With Palsgaard’s latest LBG-free products, you can reduce your emulsifier/stabiliser costs by as much as two-thirds.
Find out more in this article.