Discover how Palsgaard's tailor-made emulsifier and stabiliser systems will help you satisfy consumer desires for creamy, low-fat yoghurts and chocolate milks, beautifully decorated cakes, long shelf-life, non-sedimenting calcium-enriched milk drinks and much more.
Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the ingredients that go into their food and how they are produced, placing new demands on food producers and the ingredient manufacturers that serve them.
This is also true for dairy-based products. Not only must they have the right creaminess, texture, mouthfeel, stability, viscosity and shelf-life, they must also be produced using sustainable ingredients.
Palsgaard can help you check all the boxes: We offer a wide range of sustainably produced and sustainably sourced emulsifier and stabiliser blends, custom-designed to achieve the sensory properties your customers demand. And we gladly share our know-how, helping you to test and develop new recipes at our application centres in Denmark, Mexico, Türkiye, Singapore and China.
As a global emulsifier/stabiliser manufacturer, Palsgaard has unique insights into local requirements and trends. Our global involvement is a constant source of fresh inspiration, enabling us to help customers introduce new dairy products inspired by consumer favourites from other parts of the world.
To do this successfully, recipes need to be adapted to local preferences, requirements and production conditions. Our experienced specialists know exactly how to solve challenges such as water retention, sensory requirements, emulsion stability and raw material demands – and they are keen to share their knowledge for your benefit, too!
Take advantage of our unique insights into consumer trends and specific local requirements, and choose Palsgaard for your next innovative project. Our experienced food technologists are experts at solving challenges within sedimentation control, emulsion stability, equipment limitations, or ingredient availability – and they are happy to share their know-how. With application centres in Denmark, Mexico, Singapore, China and Türkiye, help is never far away.
Watch how we can help you make the most of emulsifiers and stabilisers and read more here: