We'll help you to safely and simply deliver transfat-free alpha-stable whipping active cake gels providing volume, texture and a uniform crumb structure – at low costs and with no hassle.
With 30+ years of practical experience with emulsifiers for cake gel formulations, Palsgaard is always ready to assist with selecting and fine-tuning the right emulsifiers and processes for your needs.
We'll also make it possible for you to create safe and simple transfat-free cake gels with only 4 ingredients and no corrosive chemicals.
With application centres around the world, we have deep insight into regional market conditions and product needs – and we have what it takes to help you optimise process flows, deliver market-relevant innovations, shorten market response times and attain higher success rates with development projects.
You’ll find our worldwide resources and expertise form an ideal platform for prototyping and testing products all the way from idea to marketplace success – faster, safer and more profitably.
Contact us today to order samples of our emulsifiers and try them in our extensive library of recipes.
Meeting consumer demand for delectable cakes with superior softness, crumb structure, and volume is a piece of cake with Palsgaard’s new generation of cake gel emulsifiers – trans-fat-free, safe to handle, and deliciously simple to use.
Cake gel emulsifier Palsgaard® 1367 is a bespoke combination of Palsgaard® PGE and Palsgaard® DMG emulsifiers. Palsgaard® Gel 0714 is potassium stearate in paste form, containing just glycerol [E422] and potassium salts of fatty acids [E470a].
When these are mixed together, the result is the perfect combination of good stability and good whippability required for an excellent aerated batter, boasting the gold standard cake gel stability of 12 months – with just four ingredients and not a caustic one in sight.
Allan Tranum, Senior Application Specialist in lipids and cake gels, explains its benefits in this article.
Product profiles and recipe suggestions are available on request.
Cake gels are specifically designed to create a uniform distribution of right-sized, stabilized air bubbles or ‘holes’ throughout the cake. And to achieve this, they need to create a system that keeps emulsifiers in α-formed crystals as long as possible. This type of cake gel will continue to work its magic at every stage of the production process, and its softening effects will last for many months.
Achieving the right blend, however, isn't so simple. The quality of water and other ingredients, as well as process parameters, is a constant challenge for many cake gel producers. Palsgaard's emulsifiers for α-gels tackle such problems, helping to achieve the right results and ensure a consistent baking result.
Distilled monoglycerides (DMG) create α-gels with excellent whippability in cake batters. The emulsifier interacts with the starch in the batter during the whipping and baking process, delaying staling and extending the cake's shelf-life.
There are indications that the C18:0 content in the DMG will have a positive effect on the functionality of the cake gels. Our findings indicate that the higher the C:18 content, the better functionality of the emulsifier. The fatty acid composition also plays a role in the functionality of the gel.
Generally speaking, the whippability of the cake gel comes from C18:0 but the baking performance also depends on C16:0. This explains why compositions with C18:0 and C16:0 will deliver good baking results.
Unfortunately, α-gels are notoriously short-lived and subsequently change to the non-whipping active β-formation. Luckily, this process can be delayed by adding co-emulsifiers such as polyglycerol esters (PGE) and propylene glycol esters (PGMS). These improve α-crystal stability, prolong cake gel shelf-life and influence the softness and crumb structure of the final cake.
Propylene glycol and sorbitol work as solvents in the cake gel during production. Sugar and sorbitol affect the long-term stability of the cake gel, influencing the speed of recrystallisation within the gel. Sorbitol and sugar also lower water activity and extend the shelf-life of the cake.